martedì 30 agosto 2016

Nuova location per una nuova avventura

Dopo 8 mesi di attività itineranti la lega torna da Altrove Shop.
Per ora il giorno stabilito è Mercoledì dalle 17.00 alle 20.00.
Vi aspetto con numerosi premi per una serata di puro divertimento per TCG, VGC e GO.
Buona Caccia!

venerdì 20 novembre 2015

Regolamento PKMN VG2015

Salve a Tutti Ragazzi ecco a Voi il regolamento VG in vigore nel 2015
Spero scuserete se in inglese sarà mia premura tradurlo al più presto in italiano
Questo dile si può trovare nella sessione risorse del sito


This section contains tournament rules specific to the Pokémon video games. All attendees are expected to comply with the applicable sections of these rules while attending a Play! Pokémon tournament.

1. Game Versions
Only legitimate versions of Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire can be used in Play! Pokémon tournaments. This includes Game Cards and downloadable versions of Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. Players are restricted on which region Game Cards they can use, based on the country where they are playing.
 - Players at European events may only use European Game Cards.
- Players at North American events may only use North American Game Cards.
- Players at the World Championships may only use Game Cards that are legal in their home markets.

1.1. Game Systems
Players may use any system in the Nintendo 3DS™ family of systems during the competition. This includes the Nintendo 3DS™, Nintendo 3DS XL™, and Nintendo 2DS™. Players are responsible for bringing a charger that is compatible with their system.
- Players at European events may only use systems in the European Nintendo 3DS™ family.
- Players at North American events may only use systems in the North American Nintendo 3DS™ family. -
- Players at the World Championships may only use Game Cards and systems that are legal in their home markets.

1.2. Game Patch and Updates
Players are responsible for ensuring their version of Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire has the latest game patch downloaded prior to the start of the tournament. Players may be penalized, including disqualification, in the event their game does not have the latest update.

2. Team Restrictions
Players may only use Pokémon that are legal for the tournament format. Players are responsible for ensuring that their team adheres to any restrictions set forth by the tournament format and this document.

2.1. Illegally Manipulated Pokémon
The use of external devices, such as a mobile app, to modify or create items or Pokémon in a player’s Battle Box is expressly forbidden. Players found to have Pokémon or items that have been tampered with will be disqualified from competition, regardless of whether the Pokémon or items belong to that player or were traded for. POP recommends players only use Pokémon that they have raised themselves and items that they have received through normal gameplay. It is always the player’s responsibility to have legal Pokémon and items during the competition. A player’s Battle Box may be checked at any time for illegal Pokémon. Any player who fails this check may be immediately disqualified and be unable to participate in the tournament.

2.2. Trainer and Pokémon Names
Players are responsible for using appropriate names for their Trainer character and any Pokémon placed in their Battle Box. Players must avoid the use of potentially inappropriate, obscene, or otherwise offensive words or phrases when naming their Trainer or their Pokémon.

3. Battle Box Team Registration
Before the first round of a tournament, Battle Box team registration may occur. All players must set up their Battle Box, including all Pokémon and held items they intend to use, before they register for the tournament. This Battle Box will then be locked by a member of the tournament staff. After the Battle Box has been locked, players are not allowed to change their Pokémon or items at any time during a tournament. In addition, after the Battle Box is locked, players may not select “Cancel Participation” unless they intend to drop from the tournament.

3.1. Untethered Battle Box Team Registration
At tournaments where Battle Boxes are not locked electronically, players must submit a physical team list prior to the first round of the tournament. A player’s team must still be placed in the Battle Box, and the team must match this team list during the tournament. Once round 1 has begun, a player may not remove or move any Pokémon or items from the Battle Box.

4. Time Limits
Tournament staff is responsible for running a timely event. To assist in this effort, POP has established guidelines for time limits during various portions of the event. Players may take notes at any time during their match but must begin each match with a blank sheet.

4.1. Pre-game Time Limit
Players will have 90 seconds to view their opponent’s team and select their Pokémon.

4.2. Mid-game Time Limit
Any mid-game effects, such as selecting a move or retreating Pokémon, are to take place within the 45 seconds allocated per turn.

4.3. Match Time Limits
Single-game matches will be 15 minutes. For best-of-three matches, each game in the match will be 15 minutes.

4.4. Untethered Time Limits
At tournaments where Battle Boxes are not locked, the time limits outlined in sections 4.1–4.3 will be enforced by judge ruling. Time limits may be extended or adjusted at the Tournament Organizer’s discretion but must be communicated prior to the beginning of the tournament and may never be shorter than the time limits outlined in 4.1–4.3. Ties may be broken manually by a judge in accordance with section 6.1. Increased pace of play may be enforced at the discretion of a judge.

5. Technical Issues
Over the course of a tournament, a player’s game connection may become disrupted in a number of ways.

5.1. Single Frozen Game State
If one player’s game system is stuck in an unfixable frozen game state, the player whose game system is frozen will receive a game loss.

5.2. Double Frozen Game State
If both players’ game systems are stuck in an unfixable frozen game state and it cannot be determined which player’s game or system is responsible for the frozen state, both players will receive a tie for that game.

5.3. Game State Disruption
Players should attempt to fix any game disruption by checking their 3DS systems and making sure they are aligned properly. If issues persist, contact a judge for immediate assistance. If consistent disruptions are determined to be due to actions on the part of a player, the judge may issue an appropriate penalty as outlined in the Pokémon Penalty Guidelines.

6. Match Resolution
A player wins by making his or her opponent’s final Pokémon faint.

- If a player’s final Pokémon used Selfdestruct, Explosion, Destiny Bond, or Final Gambit, and both players’ final Pokémon faint as a result, the player who used the move loses that game.
- If a player’s final Pokémon used Double‐Edge, Volt Tackle, Flare Blitz, Take Down, Submission, Brave Bird, Wood Hammer, Head Smash, Struggle, Head Charge, or Wild Charge, or was holding Life Orb, and both players’ final Pokémon faint as a result, the player who used the move wins that game.
- If both players’ final Pokémon faint due to a weather condition, such as Hail or Sandstorm, the player whose Pokémon faints last wins the game. This includes the effects of Perish Song.
- If a Pokémon’s Ability (such as Rough Skin, Aftermath, Liquid Ooze, or Iron Barbs) or held item (such as Rocky Helmet) results in both players’ final Pokémon fainting, the player whose Pokémon had the Ability or held item wins the game.

A player who selects “Run” during a battle will count as the loser of that game, whether selected intentionally or not. Players may not intentionally play a match to a tie nor agree to record a match as a tie without playing.

6.1. Tiebreakers
Should the time limit expire before a player makes his or her opponent’s final Pokémon faint, the winner of the game is determined based on the criteria below.

-1. Remaining Pokémon
--a. If one player has more remaining Pokémon than the other, that player wins the game.
--b. If both players have the same number of Pokémon remaining, the result of the game is determined by average percentage of HP remaining, as described below.

-2. Average Percentage of HP Remaining
--a. If one player’s team has a higher average percentage of HP remaining, that player wins the game.
--b. If both players’ teams have the same average percentage of HP remaining, the result of the game is determined by amount of HP remaining, as described below.

-3. Amount of Total HP Remaining
--a. If one player’s team has a higher total HP remaining, that player wins the game.
--b. If both players’ teams have the same total HP remaining, the result of the game is a tie.

6.2. Sudden Death
If a game ends in a tie during the single-elimination portion of an event, a single Sudden Death game is played to determine the winner of the match. Players are required to gain an advantage in number of remaining Pokémon over their opponent. Tournament staff will evaluate the game at the end of each turn to determine if an advantage has been gained. After each turn has been completed, the tournament staff will determine the number of Pokémon that each player has remaining.
- If both players have the same number of Pokémon remaining at the end of the turn, the game continues for another turn.
- If a player has more remaining Pokémon than his or her opponent at the end of any turn, that player wins the game.

6.3. Determining the Outcome of a Best-of-Three
Match Use the following criteria, in order, to determine the outcome of a match that is unresolved after any given game has ended. After one of the criteria has been met, none of the others are applied.

GAME 1: The players proceed to game 2.
GAME 2: If the winner of game 2 also won game 1, that player wins the match. If the winner of game 2 did not win game 1, players proceed to game 3.
GAME 3: The winner of game 3 wins the match.

7. Headphone
Use Headphones may be worn by players only if they are wired and plugged directly into their game system. The headphone wire must be clearly visible.


Pokémon Organized Play supports several tournament formats for sanctioned play of the Pokémon video games. This document covers each of the approved formats and their variations. Tournaments that do not use one of the formats described here may not be sanctioned.

8. Standard Format Style
All sanctioned Pokémon video game tournaments require players to assemble a team of Pokémon, with items, prior to the start of the event. The Standard format for all Play! Pokémon Premier tournaments is Double Battle.

8.1. Double Battle
In Double Battles, each player selects four Pokémon from his or her party of six to battle with. At the start of the battle, players send out the first two Pokémon in their party, making a total of four Pokémon on the battlefield. Gameplay continues until a player makes all four of his or her opponent’s Pokémon faint.

9. Standard Team Construction Rules
When building a team for a Play! Pokémon tournament, all players must adhere to these standard construction rules.

-A player’s team cannot contain two Pokémon with the same Pokédex number.
- Each Pokémon on a player’s team can hold an item, though no two Pokémon may hold the same item.
- A player’s team cannot contain two Pokémon with the same nickname.
- A player’s team cannot contain a Pokémon nicknamed with the name of another Pokémon (for example, an Unfezant named “Pidove”).
- Pokémon may only use moves that have been learned through one of the following methods:
-- By leveling up
-- By TM or HM
-- As an Egg Move, through breeding
-- From a character in the game
-- A move already known by a Pokémon received at an official Pokémon event or promotion

10. Premier Event Format
Pokémon Organized Play supports one format for Premier events: Standard. Premier events are listed on the POP website, and the results are reported to POP after the event concludes.

10.1. Standard Format
The Standard format is the standard tournament format for Play! Pokémon Premier video game events. This format will be used at all Premier events unless specified otherwise.
-Only Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Game Cards or downloadable versions are permitted for use.
- Players may use Pokémon from the National Pokédex, from No. 001–719, that are caught in the game, transferred from a previous Pokémon title, or received at an official event or distribution
- The following Pokémon may not be on a player’s team:
o 150 – Mewtwo
o 151 – Mew
o 249 – Lugia
o 250 – Ho-Oh
o 251 – Celebi
o 382 – Kyogre
o 383 – Groudon
o 384 – Rayquaza
o 385 – Jirachi
o 386 – Deoxys
o 483 – Dialga
o 484 – Palkia
o 487 – Giratina
o 489 – Phione
o 490 – Manaphy
o 491 – Darkrai
o 492 – Shaymin
o 493 – Arceus
o 494 – Victini
o 643 – Reshiram
o 644 – Zekrom
o 646 – Kyurem
o 647 – Keldeo
o 648 – Meloetta
o 649 – Genesect
o 716 – Xerneas
o 717 – Yveltal
o 718 – Zygarde
o 719 – Diancie
- Pokémon must be placed in the Battle Box.
- Pokémon are allowed to Mega Evolve.
- Pokémon may not hold the item Soul Dew.
- Pokémon above Level 50 are permitted, but they are auto-leveled down to 50 for the duration of battle.
- Players may use Pokémon with Hidden Abilities.
- Players may use items that have been officially released via Pokémon X, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, the Pokémon Global Link, or an official event or promotion.

10.2. Blue Pentagon
In addition to the requirements outlined in section 10.1, Pokémon used in the Standard format must have a blue pentagon in the Pokémon summary screen. This indicates that the Pokémon was caught during regular gameplay, hatched from an Egg, obtained within the game, or was officially gifted in either Pokémon X, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Omega Ruby, or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire.

sabato 9 agosto 2014

Lista degli infitati al Torneo Mondiale 2014

Dopo la chiusura del torneo Nazionale d'Australia ecco finalmente i nomi degli invitati al torneo nazionale del 2014.



  1. Andrew Brophy
  2. Dayne O’Meara (Umberiffic)
  3. Michael W.
  4. Tony Nguyen (Competny)


  1. Randy Kwa (R Inanimate)


  1. Baris Akcos (Billa)
  2. Christoph Kugeler (drug duck)
  3. Eloy Hahn (Dragoran5)
  4. Florian Wurdack (DaFlo)
  5. Jan Michelberger (Lati)
  6. Joshua Schmidt (Gamebreak0r)
  7. Lajos Kowalewski (Lajo)
  8. Markus Liu (Henrique)
  9. Markus Stadter (13Yoshi37)
  10. Matthias Hellmoldt (Tyvyr)
  11. Matthias Suchodolski (Lega)
  12. Nemanja Sandic (Porengan)
  13. Stephan Appelfeller (Appi)
  14. Timo Koppetsch (37TimoK1)
  15. Zacharias Daum (Mercury)


  1. Kelly Mercier-White (KellsterCartier)


  1. Alberto Gini (BraindeadPrimeape)
  2. Arash Ommati (Mean)
  3. Carlo Arbelli (shinycarletto)
  4. Luigi Lo Giudice (LPROX)
  5. Umberto Palini (Terrakhaos)


  1. Daichi Kumabe (Scar)
  2. “Megamouth”
  3. “Muu”
  4. “Pekachau”
  5. Ryosuke Kosuge (gebebo)
  6. Ryouta Otsubo (Barudoru)
  7. “Tabibito”
  8. Yosuke Isagi (Tony)
  9. Yuuya Katou (Kenji)


  1. Ciskejan Giannakos (sagaciousslowpoke)


  1. Szymon Wojdat (Szymoninho)

South Africa

  1. Gavin Jones (Jayhonas)
  2. “dot_ninja” (dotNinja)

South Korea

  1. Jinhwan Jung
  2. Joonyoung Choi
  3. Sejun Park (pokemontcg)
  4. Wonseok Jang (KrelCROC)


  1. Albert Baneres (Arbol Deku)
  2. Jaime Martinez (Repr4y)
  3. Miguel Marti de la Torre (Sekiam)

United Kingdom

  1. Ben Gould (Ben91923)
  2. Ben Kyriakou (Kyriakou)
  3. Christopher Arthur (Koryo)
  4. Jamie Miller (Blaze King7)
  5. Lee Provost (Osirus)
  6. Niall Crallan (The Last Sheikah)
  7. Simon Stanford (Falco)
  8. Steve Edgson (SirSmoke)

United States

  1. Aaron Zheng (Cybertron)
  2. Adib Alam (honchkro13)
  3. Alex Ogloza (Evan Falco)
  4. Ashton Cox (linkyoshimario)
  5. Ben Hickey (Darkpenguin67)
  6. Collin Heier (TheBattleRoom)
  7. DeVon Ingram (dingram)
  8. Enosh Shachar (Human)
  9. Gavin Michaels (kingofmars)
  10. Hayden McTavish (Enigne)
  11. Jon Hu (JHufself)
  12. Jeudy Azzarelli (Soul Survivor)
  13. Logan Castro (Yellowbox)
  14. Michael Lanzano (JiveTime)
  15. Mike Suleski (OmegaDonut)
  16. Omari Travis (BadIntent)
  17. Ray Rizzo (Ray)
  18. Tiffany Stanley (Shiloh)
  19. Toler Webb (Dim)

Senior Division

Unfortunately we don’t have as much information worldwide on players in this division so we will be listing just the North American and European invites as listed on Poké

North America

  1. Brendan Zheng
  2. Cameron S
  3. “Clemson01″
  4. Daniel Cardenas
  5. “DoubleZ1227″
  6. Dylan S
  7. “emforbes6″
  8. Emily G
  9. George Langford
  10. Henry Maxon
  11. Ian McLaughlin
  12. Jacob Waller
  13. Kylie C
  14. Mackenzie K
  15. Marc M
  16. Mark Grubbs
  17. “Mega_Missingno”
  18. Paul Chua
  19. Zack T


  1. Adrian Schwengebecher
  2. Alejandro Gomez
  3. Amin Sulzer
  4. Aniello Iuliano
  5. Andreas Erdmann
  6. Arthur Trutzschler
  7. Batuhan Can
  8. Bianca C
  9. “Chelast11″
  10. Emanuel Arrius
  11. Eric Rios
  12. Gabriele Elia
  13. Gabriele S
  14. “Gilbs11″
  15. “igpig3″
  16. “JontyTV”
  17. “Jovanmaxmaster”
  18. Juan Trillo Pelegrín
  19. “Julia1410″
  20. Lea L
  21. Lennard Lange
  22. Lordie B
  23. Melisa A
  24. Michelangelo Baudanza
  25. Nathan A
  26. Nicola Gini
  27. Nicholas Rhodes
  28. Sabrina Cavalli
  29. Tim S
  30. Thomas Davies
  31. “wooper of doom”
  32. “XvolcaronaX-GL”

Junior Division

Unfortunately we don’t have as much information worldwide on players in this division so we will be listing just the North American and European invites as listed on Poké

North America

  1. Caleb K
  2. Cory Connor
  3. Elisa C
  4. Emma Cox
  5. Enzo Reci
  6. “Gators2004″
  7. James Reineke
  8. Jeremiah Sheppard
  9. Jordan Schroeder
  10. Luke Smith
  11. Macaria Welch
  12. Maylee H
  13. “MBGirl”
  14. “parkparkh”
  15. Samuel Mowery
  16. Theo Young


  1. Alessio di Francesco
  2. Adam Balela
  3. Adrián Alonso Gómez
  4. Ahrey
  5. “BellaLea09″
  6. “darkrai__1″
  7. “ceem”
  8. Edoardo Foglietta
  9. Enzo Tigroudja
  10. Ethan King
  11. Fabixxl
  12. Frankie K
  13. Giovanni Tomasini
  14. “lordkyurem2008″
  15. “MBB2003″
  16. Jaden Davies
  17. Jocelyn A
  18. Lily Taylor
  19. Lucie A
  20. Luca Castelluccia
  21. Matteo B
  22. Michele Radaelli
  23. Millie Leach
  24. Noel Leon D
  25. Oliver B
  26. Paul Pause
  27. Rhys Stevens
  28. Sammy O’Connor
  30. “thsgnl2003″
  31. Taylor Brown
  32. Yanice Tigroudja

martedì 29 luglio 2014

Lega Pokèmon estiva

Cari Allenatori,
inanzi tutto chiedo scusa per l'assenza dalla rete per motivi di lavoro.
Come già molti sanno la lega nel periodo estivo, grazie alle belle giornate, ha deciso di trasferirsi a Monte Claro, nel gazebo di via liguria per fare le sue sessioni di gioco informali.
La brutta notizia è che dal 31\07 la lega chiuderà i battenti per riaprire verso Ottobre, ma la bella notizia è che il vostro Capolega non sta con le mani in mano e sta già organizzando gli eventi estivi per tutto Agosto.

Questo è il programma teorico degli eventi:

7\08 "The Last PokèMaster"

14\08 "Evil Stuff"

21\08 "Game of Pokèball"

28\08 "What if: I'm a Gym Leader"

Siamo ancora alla ricerca di Location e Sponsor ma non temete tutto andrà a meraviglia.
Restate sintonizzati per informazioni
il vostro capolega

mercoledì 2 aprile 2014

Stagione 5 - Yveltal

Ed eccoci arrivati alla quinta e ultima stagione del libretto Pokèmon.
Questo mese è ispirato a Yveltal, pokèmon leggendario di tipo Buio-Volante.
Il suo nome deriva dall'unione della lettera Y, riferito all'asse Y del piano cartesiano, con la parola yvel, ovvero "male", e Quetzal, una specie di uccello sudamericano.
Il suo aspetto ricorda la lettera Y ed è ispirato ad uno degli uccelli che nella mitologia nordica sostano sopra Yggdrasil, l'albero della vita. Può essere ispirato a Veofolnir, il facco che sta appollaiato sul becco di un'aquila (non chiedetemi come), anch'essa potrebbe essere una figura di riferimento. Secondo altri è ispirato al gigante Hraesvelgr che, sempre nella mitologia nordica, trasformato in aquila agitava le sue ali a fine del cielo e così creava il vento.

Sfida GCC
Se un giocatore che partecipa alla sfida GCC di Yveltal annuncia un attacco, che metterebbe K.O. uno dei pokèmon avversari, quel giocatore lancia una moneta. Se esce croce quel pokèmon non è messo K.O.e i suoi PS rimanenti diventano 10.

Sfida VG
Se un giocatore partecipa alla sfida VG di Yveltal deve disputare gli incontri di lega usando solo pokèmon di tipo buio o volante.

venerdì 28 marzo 2014

Campionato Regionale 2014 - Sezione Sardegna

Giocatori di tutta l'Isola è la prima volta che viene fatto un torneo simile nella nostra regione, quindi NON perdete l'occasione di vincere un biglietto aereo che vi porterà direttamente ai CAMPIONATI NAZIONALI!

TERRE DI CONFINE - Fumetteria, Ludoteca e Altrove Shop Cagliari.

iPUB – RistoPub
Via Duca degli Abruzzi,

Qualora ci fosse un buon numero di giocatori che non potranno spostarsi a Sassari, ci sarà la possibilità di aprire altre sezioni sotto approvazione del Referente Regionale.

Iscrizione: 10,00 €

Arbitro di sala e Referente Regionale: Stefano Savona

Domenica 13 APRILE 2014 ORE 11:00

Lotta in Doppio - Turni alla Svizzera + Top 8
Regolamento Ufficiale VGC (Aggiornato a Novembre 2013)

Posti Disponibili: 36
Raccomandata fortemente la preiscrizione

Tabella di Marcia:
Ore 10:30 - inizio iscrizioni
Ore 10:55 - chiusura iscrizioni
Ore 11:00 - inizio torneo
Ore 19:00 - chiusura torneo
Ore 19:15 - Premiazione e Saluti

Come Raggiungere il luogo del Torneo:
L'Ipub si trova a Sassari, in via Duca degli Abruzzi n°23. Si trova a pochi minuti dal centro cittadino ed è facilmente raggiungibile sia a piedi che in macchina. Per coloro che arrivano dalla Stazione dei Treni o alla Stazione degli Autobus di Via Padre Zirano basta prende l'Autobus di Linea 1 “Piandanna”, scendere alla seconda fermata dopo il centro commerciale CORTE SANTA MARIA.


-PARTENZA VIA PADRE ZIRANO,+Sassari+SS/Via+Duca+degli+Abruzzi,+Sassari+SS/@40.7211848,8.5558755,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x12dc63e0e26292a5:0x825337542bc46b77!2m2!1d8.5526558!2d40.7259403!1m5!1m1!1s0x12dc61546f3188cd:0x892edabe33d9cf2e!2m2!1d8.5686033!2d40.7166328

-PARTENZA DALLA STAZIONE DEI TRENI,+Sassari+SS/@40.722441,8.551584,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x12dc63e68ad6f98b:0xe6092c68a90a64bf!2m2!1d8.554278!2d40.729632!1m5!1m1!1s0x12dc61546f3188cd:0x892edabe33d9cf2e!2m2!1d8.5686033!2d40.7166328

-PARTENZA DA VIA TURATI,+Sassari+SS/Via+Duca+degli+Abruzzi,+Sassari+SS/@40.7166843,8.5616772,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x12dc61598f355b6b:0x8040ceb6e19c45c7!2m2!1d8.5590426!2d40.7170215!1m5!1m1!1s0x12dc61546f3188cd:0x892edabe33d9cf2e!2m2!1d8.5686033!2d40.7166328


Menù Personalizzato iPub per i Giocatori: 8,00 € (Panino + Bibita + Patatine)
Ovviamente siete liberi di scegliere qualsiasi altra cosa dall'ampissimo menù dell'iPub.

N.B: I giocatori non sono in alcun modo obbligati a consumare all'interno del locale.

Tutte le squadre Pokémon dovranno essere registrate nel Box Lotta e ogni giocatori dovrà compilare la sua Tessera Allenatore, compilando tassativamente tutti i rispettivi campi. Qualora venissero riscontrate irregolarità al giocatore verrà data partita persa. Per qualunque altra specifica, vedere il LINK in alto.


Con almeno 8 Players: (Ogni 8 Players ci sarà un Biglietto Aereo aggiuntivo fino ad un massimo di 4 Biglietti!)

1° Posto : Biglietto Aereo Andata e Ritorno Alghero-Milano per andare a disputare i Campionati Nazionali del 31 Maggio e 1 Giugno.

Vi aspettiamo numerosi!

giovedì 20 marzo 2014


Lunga è la strada, sempre in pendenza ed a volte ripida, ma noi continuiamo a salirla, intrepidi.
Tutti gli Allenatori danno sempre il meglio di se per vincere una sfida insieme ai loro pokèmon, stesso vale per noi. Chi l'avrebbe mai detto un anno fa o qualche mese fa che la lega sarebbe continuata, sempre più grande, sempre con più sfide e sempre più accogliente?
Credo nessuno.
Non posso non ringraziare il signor Murgia, coordinatore della POP italia, Neverland, Altrove, Sergio,la lega pokemon di Sassari e tutti coloro che credono nel lavoro dei ragazzi della nostra Lega cittadina. Un grazie speciale và a Mauro, Capolega di Palermo, le nostre leghe sono cresciute assieme ed è stato un amico e fratello in questa bellissima avventura.
ed ora come ora sono in moto tanti progetti ed eventi che la lega sta pian piano avverando:
-Regionale VG e GCC
-Tornei ed attività al Giocomix (sempre ci sia spazio)
-Collaborazioni con altre lega in tutta italia
-Presentazioni nelle scuole
...e c'è stato perfino chiesto un opuscolo sul metodo formativo sia adolescenziale che primario...
Insomma la lega ha unito e creato molto in questo anno. GRAZIE a tutti, siete voi a rendere spaciali questi eventi.

...Ed ora il momento imbarazzante:

Tanti auguri a te...
Tanti auguri a te...
tanti auguri Lega Pokèmon di Cagliari...
...e la torta a me!!!!!

E mi raccomando stasera venite numerosi a festeggiare^^

PS scusate se mi sono prolungato nei ringraziamenti ma davvero non so come ringraziarvi.
un abbraccio